Entry #1, The beginning!


Hello! This is the first post in this web dream diary, I’ll share everything that I’ll find in my dreams here for you all to read if you’re interested. if you want to make any theory or explanation to what these dreams mean, go ahead! I will be more than satisfied to read them! There’s just one problem though…I’m on the path to try lucid dreaming since I haven’t dreamt for a while (either that or I just don’t remember many of them) and I’m curious to see what my subconscious is hiding! Maybe I’ll even relive some older dreams I’ve had as a kid, who knows! Ehehehehe!

So, here’s the catch! For this first entry in the diary, which will have no date whatsoever like the other issues that will come after this one, will have no dreams in it. I’ll note the lucid dreaming progress day by day and inform you, the reader, of how it’s going! Of course it’s going to take a while but, hopefully, the progress will be worth it. I hope to understand myself more by going through this journey, that’s my goal, like an internal therapy! YES! INTERNAL THERAPYYY! HAHA!


There are some dreams I don’t want to relive though…and I’m talking about nightmares. I had the WORST nightmares as a kid, euggghhh! Hate them hate them! And they would feel realistic too! Like…when you fall in a dream and then it hurts in real life, or when you run in a dream and you start sweating in real life! And there’s a specific nightmare that I remember it like it was yesterday, probably because it has been very impactful in my mind. I was chained to the floor of a white room that seemed endless and some kind of lanky and tall monster with grainy and off putting dark grey skin would do...very gory things. it wasn’t nice, at all.

Another nightmare I remember of, amongst many, was the one of a distorted version of my grandpa following me in a 2d-ish environment, trying to catch me. There are some more other dreams, but most of them are actually made up of distorted versions of my family members, sometimes in grotesque forms, sometimes in bizarre funny forms. However I never really understood what all of it meant, maybe it could even mean nothing! Who knows?



Anyhow, after this disgusting revelation, I’m very happy to start this own little diary of mine and hope to open up a bit too. This will be the end of Entry #1, I’ll add more as days go by. for now I’ll try to lucid dream and hope to make a clear map of what my subconscious is, see ya!

- Evangeline

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