Who am I?

Hello, I’m Evangeline, a girl that is trying to get rid of her problems and hopefully eradicate them! Isn’t that what everyone would do though? Ehehehe. I like cats and I even have one! She likes cookies too for some reason or pastry in general, if I try to take it away from her, she either steals it or gets angry at me. I also am an aspiring artist! I’m not that good though, you can see from my little scribbles, ehehe. enough talking about interests and hobbies and whatnot now! I just hope you’ll have a nice experience here and remember: it doesn’t matter if you are small or big, strong or weak, talented or not. What matters is how much effort you'll put into your dream, I'm sure you'll be able to achieve anything as long as you believe into the realization of it, I cheer for you. Look at me, I’m following the same example and here I am, making a webpage about my dreams and scribbling around, can you believe it? So please, whenever you feel sad, remember that there’s always someone to take your hand, even if it’s not a real being!

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